The Journal of Adventist Education® has transitioned to an all-digital format. We have also transitioned from a subscription model to a cost-based model, and from a five-times-a-year publication to a quarterly publication. This cost-based structure allows us to provide the digital version of the Journal to anyone who wishes to receive it, free of charge through the Apple App Store (iOS devices) and Google Play (Android devices). The print edition (parallel to the digital version) will continue as a quarterly production in divisions of the world church that choose to print and distribute the publication locally.

Changes in the ways readers access print (specifically magazines and newspapers), the economics of print publishing and distribution, and our desire to fully achieve our mission led to a series of conversations about how best to serve our worldwide reading audience. In 2013, in consultation with our Advisory Board and education stakeholders, The Journal of Adventist Education® began looking for ways to increase the numbers of Adventist educators receiving the publication. During 2014 and 2015, we continued to research and engage in discussions about effective ways to proceed. We came to the unanimous decision that a digital publication would help us increase the numbers of people receiving the Journal worldwide.

For 77 years, the Journal has served as a channel through which Adventist educators have collectively shared what is known about Seventh-day Adventist Christian education—its goals, aims, and values, research-based methods of instruction, and effective approaches for assessing and planning for learning,1 and it will continue to do so. As a print publication, it entered physical mailboxes of thousands of teachers across the globe, and its content has effected change in the lives of students in thousands of classrooms. Past issues of the Journal have also been accessible online through and As a digital publication, however, current issues of the Journal will be readily accessible (for free!) to anyone who has a mobile phone, tablet, or computer. We’re excited about the journey ahead and the technology that helps us accomplish our mission.2

A special October—December issue of the Journal, published as a part of our digital launch, contains information on how to access the new JAE App which is available from the App Store (iOS) and Google Play (Android). If you have not already done so, download it now.

We look forward to sharing this new and dynamic format of The Journal of Adventist Education with Adventist educators worldwide!—The Journal of Adventist Education Editorial Staff.


  1. The Journal of Adventist Education Mission Statement:
  2. Voted at the 1976 Annual Council: “To request employing organizations (conferences, academies, colleges, and universities) to provide The Journal of Adventist Education for all teachers at all levels,” both in NAD and overseas (Action of October 21, 1976, GC Committee Minutes, 76-400):, 40.

January – March, 2017

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The Journal of Adventist Education® is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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