The Journal of Adventist Education® (hereafter abbreviated Journal or JAE) is a professional, peer-reviewed educational journal published in English primarily for teachers and other educational personnel in the Seventh-day Adventist school system worldwide. JAE contains general articles on Adventist education philosophy and practice, and specialized articles written specifically for teachers of all levels.
The Journal of Adventist Education® publishes occasional theme issues that deal with a variety of subjects, such as the practical application of Christian education, the integration of faith and learning in the classroom, and training for school board members and trustees.1 It is the official journal of the General Conference Department of Education,2 and a member of the Association of American Publishers (formerly Educational Press Association of America) and the Associated Church Press.3 Starting in 1992, International (translated) Editions in French, Portuguese, and Spanish appeared twice per year. Beginning in 2017, they, too, began to be published quarterly.
From its inception, the General Conference Department of Education has been the publisher of the resource that eventually became The Journal of Adventist Education. Education leaders felt the need to provide educators in the world field with inspirational and devotional material that supported Christian education in the home and school. Articles soon began to address informational and practical articles on a variety of topics relating to integrating faith with learning in Adventist schools and classrooms. First published as Christian Education: A Magazine for Home and School in 1909, it was renamed as follows: Christian Educator: A Magazine for Home and School in September 1915; Home and School: A Journal of Christian Education in September 1922; The Journal of True Education in February 1939; and The Journal of Adventist Education® in October/November 1967.4
Similarly, the Journal has had several printers that not only printed, but also distributed the Journal within the United States and overseas. From 1909 through 1924 and 1938 through 1980, the Journal was printed by Review and Herald Publishing Association. Other printers: from 1932-1938, Southern Publishing Association; 1980-1988, University Printers; 1988-2000, 2002-2009, Southwestern ColorGraphics; 2000-2002, College Press; and 2009-2016, Pacific Press Publishing Association.5
The Journal had different schedules in its early years, and during World War II, one or two issues were not published. A breakdown of name changes and publication frequency is available at [insert hyperlink]. Beginning in 2018 with volume 80, JAE began following a quarterly production schedule: January–March, April–June, July–September, and October–December.
From 1970-2016, basic circulation for the English edition ranged between 6,000-9,000, with an additional 5,000 copies printed for the quinquennial General Conference Editions. Print runs for the International Editions (1992-2017) added about 30,000 to this figure.
In 2016, The Journal of Adventist Education® Advisory Board voted to transition to an electronic format to further extend and achieve the 1976 Annual Council action that every Adventist teacher and educator at every level, both within the North American Division and around the world, have access to JAE.6 Beginning in 2017, JAE adopted a wholly digital format, and published as an app accessible as a free download from iTunes and GooglePlay, and as an electronic version on the JAE website:
The JAE website includes a searchable database of articles with abstracts from 1982 onward in English and 1992 onward in French, Spanish, and Portuguese. Readers can search by Author, Title, and Issue. They can also search by word(s) in author, title, and abstracts using any of the words, all of the words, or the exact phrase. In addition, the website provides Guidelines for Authors8 and Calls for Manuscripts.9
The Journal of Adventist Education® has been recognized with a number of awards from the Association of American Publishers and the Associated Church Press ( The publication is also indexed in the Directory of Open Access Journals ( and searchable in the Adventist Digital Library ( through a partnership with the General Conference Department of Archives, Statistics, and Research (ASTR).10
Each year, JAE publishes special theme issues and sections that feature articles that address the range of philosophical and practical aspects of a topic. Special issues and sections are typically coordinated by a guest editor.
Between 1978 and 2010, The Journal of Adventist Education® published Continuing Education (CE) articles on a number of topics. K-12 teachers in the North American Division could take a test over the content of each of these articles to obtain 0.5 Continuing Education Units or 5 Contact Hours credit toward denominational recertification. The study materials did not convey college credit or credit toward state certification/recertification.
Beginning in 2015, Continuing Education reverted to Adventist Learning Community (ALC),11 sponsored by the North American Division (NAD). ALC offers online CE courses to individuals within the NAD and in other divisions of the world church that will honor the CE courses.12
Name Changes and Frequency of Publication
Adapted and reprinted with permission from the Encyclopedia of Seventh-day Adventists, Copyright of the General Conference Corporation of Seventh-day Adventists.
Recommended citation:
Beverly J. Robinson-Rumble and Faith-Ann A. McGarrell, “The Journal of Adventist Education® (JAE): A Resource for Adventist Educators,” The Journal of Adventist Education 86:1 (2024): 41-43.
- The Journal of Adventist Education® (JAE) Homepage (2023):
- JAE Advisory Board and Consultants (2023):
- The Associated Church Press (ACP) is the oldest interdenominational religious press association in North America:; The Association of American Publishers (AAP), formerly the Educational Press Association of America, represents the leading book, journal, and education publishers in the United States, of which JAE is a founding member:
- General Conference Office of Archives, Statistics, and Research (ASTR) Periodical Catalogue:
- Conversation with Beverly J. Robinson-Rumble, who has been connected with The Journal of Adventist Education® since 1971: Editorial Assistant, 1971-1987; Assistant Editor, 1987-1990; Editor, 1991-2014; Editor Emeritus, 2014–; and information from bound volumes in the General Conference Department of Education library
- General Conference (GC) Action of 1976 Annual Council (October 21, 1976), GC Committee Minutes, 76-400.
- The Journal of Adventist Education® Advisory Board Action (April 1, 2016), Advisory Board Minutes, 03-16.
- Guidelines for Writers:
- Calls for Manuscripts:
- JAE Awards and Memberships (2023):
- Adventist Learning Community:
- Sharon Aka and Paola Franco-Oudri, “Continuing Education Courses and Resources Offered by the Adventist Learning Community (ALC),” The Journal of Adventist Education® 80:3 (July–September 2018): 43, 45: