Plagiarism, submitting someone else's Work as one's own or using another's words, ideas, or content without attribution, intentional or accidental, is unacceptable. Before publication, articles submitted to The Journal of Adventist Education® (JAE) are screened for plagiarism using multiple approaches. These are as follows:
- Editorial review by editors and reviewers.
- Reference and citation checks by the copy editor.
- Duplication checks via Editorial Manager.
- Use of CrossRef's Similarity Check by iThenticate as part of the Editorial Manager process.
Post-publication, if it becomes clear that there was misconduct in the collection and use of data or that the Work was plagiarized or published elsewhere without appropriate permissions submitted to JAE, said Work will be retracted from publication with a statement clearly stating the reason for retraction. This action is separate from issuing corrections for honest errors within the manuscript.